This is my SORMTUE.


April 10, 2005 10:36:51 EDT, from home

Meanwhile, at an area aerospace company...

"Hey, can I borrow an oh-thirty-five hex bit? I just need it for a minute, I'll run it back when I'm done," inquired avj.

"Sure, no problem. Keep it as long as you need," responded Derek.

It seemed a little smaller than what he thought, but it actually ended up being exactly the size avj needed.

He arrived back in the lab to return the bit, and there were several guys hanging out talking.

"Thanks for the bit, Derek," avj stated sincerely. "It looked a little small at first, but it ended up being the perfect size."

"Yeah, that's what she said!" chortled one of the merry eavesdroppers, who also followed up with plenty of laughter and self-applied oral gratification. He was, of course, alone in his enjoyment; everyone else looked on with confusion and dismay.


Now, I enjoy laughing at myself more than anyone, but nothing is worse than being zinged with a middle school joke by someone 15 years your senior.

All this crap ©2000-2016 avj. This is my SORMTUE.

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